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Gavin Chan

Miembro de la Junta

Gavin Chan is a Senior Manager at PwC within the Trust Solutions practice, delivering quality assurance services to multinational public and private companies, with a focus on innovative technology and media companies.

Gavin has over 10 years of experience serving international clients and managing complex cross-border accounting and auditing matters, including IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, complex equity transactions, and multi-location audits. He specializes in the technology, entertainment, and consumer markets sectors, including digital media and entertainment, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, licensed software, and e-commerce.

Gavin holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

In addition to HelpGuide, he serves on the board of directors at Breathe SoCal, an organization dedicated to promoting clean air and healthy lungs through research, education, advocacy, and technology.