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Sangeeta Ahluwalia, Ph.D.

Miembro de la Junta

Sangeeta Ahluwalia is a senior policy researcher and associate department director at the nonprofit RAND Corporation, with over 15 years of experience in palliative and end of life care, including symptom management, advance care planning, and team-based communication. She leads research to understand and improve patient and caregiver experience with healthcare, measure the quality of palliative care, and synthesize evidence for clinical practice guidelines.

Recently, Sangeeta has expanded her research to the area of diagnostic excellence, leading studies to understand the impacts of delayed diagnoses and improve diagnostic safety in ambulatory and inpatient settings. In her role as a department director at RAND, Sangeeta oversees and supports the careers of over 200 research staff, and mentors numerous doctoral candidates and NIH research fellows.

A true Californian and proud product of the state university system, Sangeeta received a BA in Medical Anthropology, an MA in Political Science, and a PhD in Health Policy from UC Berkeley, as well as an MPH in Community Health from UCLA.