Dr. Alice Schluger is an accomplished health professional with an extensive background in clinical research, health education, and psychology. She earned a Master of Arts Degree in Community Health Education and a PhD in Health Psychology. Her dissertation titled “Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors in Female College Dance Students: Comparison of Modern Dance and Ballet Dance Majors” has been published in the North American Journal of Psychology. Dr. Schluger has also taught graduate courses in Health & Wellness Psychology. She is currently a freelance writer for various health-related organizations.
As a Certified Wellness Practitioner/Wellness Coach, Dr. Schluger has a comprehensive knowledge of the unique health and wellness issues pertaining to dancers. Her coaching practice is devoted to helping dancers accomplish their goals and embrace new challenges to thrive in their life and career.
How it can help with anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and more
Always focusing on your physical flaws? You may have BDD.