
Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D.

Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., has been a California Licensed Marriage and Family therapist since 1976 and is a member of HelpGuide's Professional Advisory Council. Her doctoral degree is in Counseling Psychology from USC. She retired from the education system after serving almost 40 years in public school settings, grades K-12, as a teacher, counselor, psychomotor specialist, grant writer, and program development specialist.

In her private psychotherapy practice, Dr. Jaffe works with couples and relationship issues and specializes in helping those with medical conditions, including tinnitus and misophonia. Dr. Jaffe is co-author of The Heroic Journey: A Rite of Passage Program for Adolescents (1996; rev. 2001) used in Montessori middle schools and other private, charter, and home schools across the country. She is also co-author (with Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.) of The Language of Emotional Intelligence (McGraw-Hill, 2008).

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