Caregiver Stress and Caregiver Burnout
Tips for regaining your energy, optimism, and hope

As a caregiver, you face many responsibilities. But with the right tools and support, you can overcome challenges and make caregiving more rewarding—for both you and the person you’re caring for.
Family caregiving is the act of providing at-home care for a relative, friend, or other loved one with a physical or mental health problem. As life expectancies increase, medical treatments advance, and more people live with chronic illnesses and disabilities, many of us find ourselves caring for a loved one at home.
Whether you’re taking care of an aging parent, a disabled spouse, or looking after a sick child, providing care for a family member in need is an act of kindness, love, and loyalty. Day after day, you gift your loved one your care and attention, and improve their quality of life, even if they’re unable to express their gratitude.
Whatever your particular circumstances, being a family caregiver is a challenging role and likely one that you haven’t been trained to undertake. And like many family caregivers, you probably never anticipated this situation. However, you don’t have to be a nursing expert, a superhero, or a saint be a good family caregiver.
With the right help and support, you can provide loving, effective care without having to sacrifice yourself in the process. And that can make family caregiving a more life-affirming experience.
If you’re a first-time caregiver, these are some ways to begin your caregiving journey on a positive note:
Learn as much as you can about your family member’s illness or disability and how to care for it. The more you know, the less anxiety you’ll feel about your new role and the more effective you’ll be.
Seek out other caregivers. It helps to know you’re not alone. It’s comforting to give and receive support from others who understand exactly what you’re going through.
Trust your instincts. Remember, you know your family member best. Don’t ignore what doctors and specialists tell you, but listen to your gut, too.
Encourage your loved one’s independence. Caregiving does not mean doing everything for your loved one. Be open to technologies and strategies that allow your family member to remain as independent as possible.
Know your limits. Be realistic about how much of your time and yourself you can give. Set clear limits, and communicate those limits to doctors, family members, and other people involved.
As a family caregiver for an ailing parent, child, spouse, or other loved one, you’re likely to face a host of new responsibilities, many of which are unfamiliar or intimidating. At times, you may feel overwhelmed and alone.
These tips can help you get the support you need while caring for someone you love in way that can benefit both of you.
Caregiving can trigger a host of difficult emotions, including anger, fear, resentment, guilt, helplessness, and grief.
It’s important to acknowledge and accept what you’re feeling, both good and bad. Don’t beat yourself up over your doubts and misgivings. Having these feelings doesn’t mean that you don’t love your family member—they simply mean you’re human.
Even when you understand why you’re feeling the way you do, it can still be upsetting. But rather than try to keep your emotions bottled up, it’s important to talk about them. Find at least one person you trust to confide in, someone who’ll listen to you without interruption or judgment.
Even if you’re the primary family caregiver, you can’t do everything on your own. This is especially true if you’re caregiving from a distance (more than an hour’s drive from your family member).
You’ll need help from friends, siblings, and other family members, as well as from health professionals. If you don’t get the support you need, you’ll quickly burn out—which will compromise your ability to provide care.
But before you can ask for help, you need to have a clear understanding of your family member’s needs.
It’s not always easy to ask for help, even when you desperately need it. You may be afraid to impose on others, or worry that your requests will be resented or rejected.
But if you simply make your needs known, you may be pleasantly surprised by the willingness of others to pitch in. Many times, friends and family members want to help, but don’t know how.
Pablo Casals, the world-renowned cellist, once said, “The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.” When handled in the right way, caring for a loved one can bring meaning and pleasure—to both you, the caregiver, and to the person you’re caring for.
Staying calm and relaxed and taking the time each day to really connect with the person you’re caring for can release hormones that boost your mood, reduce stress, and trigger biological changes that improve your physical health. And it can have the same effect on your loved one, too.
Even if the person you’re caring for can no longer communicate verbally, it’s still important to take a short time each day to focus fully on them. Avoid all distractions—such as the TV, cell phone, and computer—make eye contact (if that’s possible), hold the person’s hand or stroke their cheek, and talk in a calm, reassuring tone of voice.
When you connect in this way, you’ll experience a process that lowers stress and supports physical and emotional well-being—for both of you. And you’ll experience the “deepest significance” that Casals talks about.
If you’re distracted, burned out, or otherwise overwhelmed by the daily grind of caregiving, you’ll likely find it difficult to connect with the person you’re caring for. That’s why it’s vital that you don’t forget about your own needs while you’re looking after your loved one. Caregivers need care, too.
Make time to relax daily, and learn how to de-stress when you start to feel overwhelmed. As explained above, one way to achieve this is to really connect with the person you’re caring for. If that isn’t possible, employ your senses to effectively relieve stress in the moment, and return to a balanced state.
Talk with someone to make sense of your caregiving role and your feelings about it. There’s no better way of relieving stress than spending time face-to-face with someone who cares about you.
Keep a journal. Some people find it helpful to write down their thoughts and feelings to help them see things more clearly.
Feed your spirit. Pray, meditate, or do another activity that makes you feel part of something greater. Try to find meaning in both your life and in your role as a caregiver.
Watch out for signs of depression, anxiety, or burnout and seek professional help if needed.
Stay social. Make it a priority to regularly visit with other people. Nurture your close relationships. Don’t let yourself become isolated.
Do things you enjoy. Laughter and joy can help you keep going when you face the trials, stress, and pain of caregiving.
Maintain balance in your life. Don’t give up activities that are important to you, such as your work or hobbies.
Give yourself a break. Take regular breaks from caregiving, and give yourself an extended break at least once a week.
Find a community. Join or reestablish your connection to a religious group, social club, or civic organization. The broader your support network, the better.
Exercise regularly. Aim to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and boost your energy. So, try to get moving, even if you’re tired.
Eat right. Well-nourished bodies are more resilient and better prepared to cope with stress of busy days. Keep your energy up and your mind clear by eating nutritious meals at regular intervals throughout the day.
Avoid excessive use of alcohol and drugs. When life feels overwhelming, it can be tempting to turn to substances for relief. But in the long-run, they can make stress and anxiety worse, and even compromise the quality of your caregiving. Instead, try dealing with problems head on and find healthier ways to cope.
Get enough sleep. Shoot for six to eight hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep every night. Otherwise, your energy level, productivity, and ability to handle stress will suffer.
Maintain your own health care. Keep up with medical appointments, treatments, and prescriptions. As a caregiver, you need to stay as strong and healthy as possible.
BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours.
Take Assessment HelpGuide is user supported. We earn a commission if you sign up for BetterHelp’s services after clicking through from this site. Learn moreMost communities have services to help caregivers. Depending on where you live, the cost may be based on your ability to pay or covered by the care receiver’s insurance or your health service.
Services that may be available in your community include adult day care centers, home health aides, home-delivered meals, respite care, transportation services, and skilled nursing.
Caregiver services in your community. Call your local senior center, county information and referral service, family services, or hospital social work unit for contact suggestions. Advocacy groups for your loved one’s illness or disability may also be able to recommend local services. In the U.S., contact your local Area Agency on Aging for help with caring for older family members.
Caregiver support for veterans. If your care recipient is a veteran, they may be eligible for additional support services. In the U.S., for example, home health care coverage, financial support, nursing home care, and adult day care benefits are often available.
Your family member’s affiliations. Fraternal organizations such as the Elks, Eagles, or Moose lodges may offer some assistance if your loved one is a longtime dues-paying member. This help may take the form of phone check-ins, home visits, or transportation.
Community transportation services. Many communities offer free or low-cost transportation services for trips to and from medical appointments, day care, senior centers, and shopping malls.
Adult day care. If your care recipient is a senior and well enough, consider adult day care. An adult day care center can provide you with needed breaks during the day or week, and your loved one with some valuable diversions and activities.
Personal care services. Help with activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, feeding, or meal preparation may be provided by home care aides, hired companions, certified nurse’s aides, or home health aides. Home care help might also provide limited assistance with tasks such as taking blood pressure or medication reminders.
Health care services. Some health care services can be provided at home by trained professionals such as physical or occupational therapists, social workers, or home health nurses. Check with your insurance or health service to see what kind of coverage is available. Hospice care can also be provided at home.
Meal programs. Your loved one may be eligible to have hot meals delivered at home by a Meals on Wheels program. Religious and other local organizations sometimes offer free lunches and companionship for the sick and elderly.
Many people take on the role of designated caregiver for a family member—often an older relative or sibling—while living more than an hour’s travel away.
Trying to manage a loved one’s care from a distance can add to feelings of guilt and anxiety and present many other obstacles. But there are steps you can take to prepare for caregiving emergencies and ease the burden of responsibility.
Use a medical alert system. When you live a distance away from the care recipient, you’ll be unable to respond quickly in the event of an emergency, such as a fall or life-threatening health issue. A medical alert system, though, will enable your loved one to call for immediate help when they need it. By simply activating the small, wearable device, your loved one can be connected to a dispatcher to summon medical help.
Coordinate doctor and medical appointments. Try to schedule all medical appointments together, at a time when you’ll be in the area. Take the time to get to know your loved one’s doctors and arrange to be kept up-to-date on all medical issues via phone or email when you’re not in the area. Your relative may need to sign a privacy release to enable their doctors to do this.
Use a case manager. Some hospitals or insurance plans can assign case managers to coordinate your loved one’s care, monitor their progress, manage billing, and communicate with the family.
Investigate local services. Look for local services that can offer home help, deliver meals, or provide local transportation for your loved one. A geriatric care manager can offer a variety of services to long-distance caregivers, including monitoring in-home help for your relative.
Schedule regular communication with your loved one. A daily text, message, or quick phone call can give you peace of mind—and let your relative know that they’re not forgotten.
Arrange telephone check-ins from a local religious group, senior center, or other public or nonprofit organization. These services offer prescheduled calls to homebound older adults to reduce their isolation and monitor their well-being.
Family Care Navigator – Including eldercare services. (Family Caregiver Alliance)
Elder Care Services Search – For older adults and their carers. (The U.S. Department of Aging)
Respite Locator – Services in U.S. and Canada. (Arch National Respite Network)
Meals on Wheels (Meals on Wheels Association of America)
Your Guide to Care and Support Services, including respite care. (NHS)
Meals at Home Services (UK) (Directgov)
Support for Families and Carers – Resources and information. (Carers Australia)
My Aged Care – Aged care services. (Australian Government Depart of Health and Ageing)
Meals on Wheels Australia (Meals on Wheels Australia)
Carers New Zealand – Caregiving help, including respite care services. (Carers NZ)
Programs and Services for Seniors – Including caregiving support. (Government of Canada)
Respite Locator – Services in U.S. and Canada. (Arch National Respite Network)
Find a Meals on Wheels Location (VON Canada)
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