Judy Scheel, Ph.D., LCSW, CEDS

Judy Scheel, PhD, LCSW, is a seasoned and respected psycho-dynamically oriented psychotherapist practicing for more than 30 years. Unconscious processes, insight, and integration of one’s emotional life and language underscore her framework.

Dr. Scheel has advanced degrees and post-graduate certifications in both psychology and clinical social work from the NYU Medical Langone Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy Program and John Jay College of Criminal Justice NYC in forensic psychology. She is highly regarded as an expert in the treatment of eating and related disorders and the author of a book on eating disorder recovery: When Food Is Family: A Loving Approach to Heal Eating Disorders. In addition, she maintains two blogs in Psychology Today: “Sex is a Language” and “When Food is Family.” She has also served as an adjunct faculty at the undergraduate level. Dr. Scheel founded Cedar Associates, an outpatient treatment center in Westchester County, New York, where she served as director for 15 years. She is currently working on her third book on authenticity.

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